
Temperačné stanice

Domov  / Temperačné stanice



Process water temperature regulation

Tempering stations regulate the temperature of technological, heat-carrying fluids (most often water) to the required value. As needed, the station cools or heats the working medium so that the related technology runs at optimal temperature.

The station can be built for one circuit of the technological line, i.e. as single-zone, or for several separate hydraulic circuits, i.e. as multi-zone. Tempering stations are most often used for forming and extrusion lines, injection presses, and in the rubber industry.

Why we’re the right choice

Dlhoročné skúsenosti s návrhom a výrobou pre etablovaných svetových zákazníkov.

In-house development, design and production of stations, including our proprietary software.

Vysoká flexibilita v plnení požiadaviek, ktorú môže ponúknuť len výrobca našej veľkosti

Stovky našich temperačných staníc v spoľahlivej prevádzke po celom svete.

Komplexná dodávka vrátane riadiaceho systému a komunikácie s nadradenými systémami.

For us, quality and reliability have always been number one.

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